Learning, Literacy & Numeracy
You are asked to complete a Learning, Literacy and Numeracy assessment. The assessment will take you about 50 - 60 minutes or so and you should have a pen, paper and calculator with you to complete this task. Be aware that if you have any hearing problems we recommend you use a headset to help you hear all instructions and the audio in the questions.
Please use Google Chrome and go to https://dtw.lln.training/ to complete this task. The information below provides an overview of the reason for the implementation of the system.
ASQA Implementation Information
In response to the following sections of the standards, we have implemented the LLN Robot system to manage our assessments and support of learners regarding their language, literacy and numeracy needs.
1.2 Determine the amount of training to provide to a learner based on: a) Existing skills, knowledge and experience.
1.7 The RTO determines the support needs of individual learners and provides access to the educational and support services necessary for the individual learner to meet the requirements of the training product as specified in training packages or VET accredited courses.
The LLN Robot System consists of two main parts:
1.Online LLN testing.
2.Generating training profiles and training support programs.
The LLN Robot Online LLN Assessment has been designed to give an indication of a learner’s abilities across the 5 core skills of the ACSF. These are Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral Communication and Numeracy. The outcome of the online assessment is the first step in considering the support needs of the learner.
The online assessment reacts dynamically to the answers of the learner and gets progressively easier or more difficult based on how the person is doing. This prevents learners from being asked questions that are either too easy or too difficult to save on assessment time and reduce negative assessment experiences.
There are two online assessments to choose from based on the requirements of the course of study. One assessment tests up to ACSF level 3 while the other tests up to ACSF level 4. The former is significantly shorter and is useful for learners who are engaging in low certificate level or short courses that do not utilise higher ACSF core skills.
Both assessments are based on the community domain of communication, using examples from everyday life to avoid bias relating to specific training or working environments and experience. This approach keeps the assessments fair, valid and accessible to all learners.
At the end of the assessment a profile is generated based on the learner’s responses. This profile scores each of the 5 core skills from levels 0-4. These results are stored in a secure database and accessed by the trainer/assessor or LLN representative of the training organisation. Spoken oral communication can be evaluated separately by speaking with the learner. The profile can then be reviewed and adjusted based on further evidence (e.g. completing enrolment forms and questionnaires or interviews), or any other issues that are identified that may create a learning barrier for the student based on their current language, literacy or numeracy skills.
This profile can then be compared to the profile of the course of study, generating a support program designed for each individual learner to meet their specific needs.
LLN Robot uses a purpose built a diagnostic tool to determine the required ACSF/core skill levels of a unit of competency. The system uses a series of language analysis algorithms to scan the content of a unit of competency to identify trigger words and phrases and their associated values based on the training package, ACSF performance indicators and the AQF (certificate) level of the unit. This data is used to generate a training profile that reflects the core skills required to understand and perform the criteria outlined in the unit.
As learner profiles and training profiles are compared by the system, a detailed report and training support program are generated to outline the mechanisms that can be used to support the learner’s development, as well as a series of self-paced activities in the form of training supplements to be completed in conjunction with, or prior to the formal training program.